if i never see your face again ...
then i will find you and love you once more
time after time

July 12, 2009


Ok this post shall have two topics, mainly joe jonas and the mayan civilisation.

Joe cos he is getting fatter. i dont think he is THAT fat but, well, he is supposed to be big and fat and repulsive. but somehow i think he is getting cuter by the day, especially when he 'looks' up at me, then he reminds me of a long, fishdoon-and-bread-and-toothpick-eating mealworm. Oh yeah i put in two toothpicks in the container for his entertainment and i saw him crawling on the end of one today and when he came off, the side had its first layer of wood chewed right off. Isn't that adorable?
Yea I was talking to my sis's tutor today, she said that the chinese word for mealworm is mianbaochong, aka bread worm... LOL?!
ok. That's it about joe...
NOT ok i got more to say. He is like really cute you know!!! dont call me disgusting, miaoling or any of you cos after spending two nights with a worm less than two metres from you you really feel the connection... and during the night he just lies there without moving either eating or sleeping or whatever mealworms do. in the day he is like that too, just that in the morning he scurries about and in the afternoon he stays still but you can see him eating cos his head is moving. and his mouth too.
a little bit about the mayans... i think i can write a book about them already... i really hate this hostory assignment. I think they think we have too much time to spare... ARE THEY CRAZY???
ok enough crazy exclamations.
Love, me

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